FPGA vs ASIC Verification
- FPGA has no tapeout constraint, so less pressure on verification timeline
- Lower investment into verification process
- Involve designers more
- Gradual testbench development
- Portability requires replicating lab issues in verification
Verification Goals
- Develop overall verification strategy
- Reduce reliance on lab testing
- Assist designers with block-level verification
- Provide debugging capability for lab testing
- Support design stability with regression testing
Testbench Development
- Modular to allow gradual enhancement
- Directed tests first, add randomness later
- Reusable components between testbenches
- Transaction-based to abstract signal-level
- Random repeatability
- Signal-level:Β Drivers, responders, monitors, checkers
- Transaction-level:Β Scoreboards, checkers, transactors
Advanced Verification
Statistical Checks
- Verify testbench correctness early on
- Compare statistics between testbench components
- Check DUT functionality through interfaces
- Input transactions β expected output transactions
- Constantly compare expected vs actual
Completion Criteria
- Simulation metrics (coverage etc)
- No new bugs found
- Lab testing passes