Char Array Basics
- The size of char data type is 1 Byte in C++ and 2 bytes in Java. In C++, char is defined as 1 byte by the language specification.
- The preferred method to read a string with whitespaces in C++ isΒ
std::getline((std::cin, string))
. This is defined in theΒ<string>
header. std::string
Β class is preferred over C-style character arrays because it provides many useful member functions for common string operations.
#include <string>
using namespace std:
int main(){
// Character arrays
char arr[100];
// Assigning Values
arr[0] = 'a';
arr[1] = 'b';
arr[2] = 'c
arr[3] = '\0';
cout << arr[0] << endl;
cout << arr[1] << endl;
cout << arr[2] << endl;
cout << arr << endl; // will give content of array rather than the address of the array
// Special functionality of the character array
// For getting the address of the character array
char * ptr = arr;
cout << ptr << endl; //abc
cout << (void *)ptr << endl; // address
// More ways to create a character array
char b[] = {'x', 'y', 'z', '\0'} // Character array must be null terminated
cout << sizeof(b) << endl; // 4 byte
cout << b << endl; //xyz
// Another way
char c[] = "hello"; // Double quotes means null terminated array
cout << sizeof(c) << endl; // 6 byte
cout << c << endl; //hello
return 0;
Strlen and Strcpy
The strlen()
and strcpy()
functions operate on null-terminated C-style strings. With C++ strings, equivalent functionality is provided through member functions:
#include <string>
using namespace std:
int main(){
// Char array Creation & Printing
char arr[100] = "hello";
// assign some new value inside it
//strcpy(dest, src);
strcpy(arr, "hi everyone");
// length
cout << "Length of string is " << strlen(arr) << endl; // 11
cout << "Size of array is " << sizeof(arr) << endl; // 100
// Print
cout << arr << endl;
return 0;
Input using Cin.GetLine
The cin.getline()
function is used to read an entire line of input from the user, including spaces. This is in contrast to the cin >>
operator which only reads a single word at a time.
Some key properties of cin.getline()
- It takes the input character array and max length as parameters:
char arr[100];
cin.getline(arr, 100);
By default it stops reading input at the newline β\nβ character. This allows it to read an entire line.
An optional 3rd parameter can specify a different delimiter:
cin.getline(arr, 100, '$');
Now the input will stop at β$β instead of newline.
Input is stored in the array along with the delimiter. So array size should account for that extra character.
The newline β\nβ input also gets stored in the array. So a max length of 100 can actually only store 99 characters.
A null terminator β\0β is automatically added after the input.
Here is example code demonstrating cin.getline() to read line input:
char name[100];
cin.getline(name, 100); //reads a name
char sentence[1000];
cin.getline(sentence, 1000, '.'); //reads sentence ending in '.'
is the preferred method in C++ to read entire lines including space separated words. The parameters allow handling delimiters and max array size.
Input using Cin.Get
The cin.get()
function in C++ is used to read a single character input from the user.
Some key properties of cin.get()
It reads and returns the next character immediately available in the input stream.
It can read whitespace characters like space β β and newline β\nβ which are ignored by
cin >>
. -
The returned character can be stored in a char datatype:
char ch;
ch = cin.get();
- An IF check can then be used to take action based on the input character:
if(ch == ' ') {
// user entered space
} else if(ch == '\n') {
// user entered newline
} else {
// user entered regular character
stdin stream state is maintained, so
picks up right where previous input functions left off. -
Useful for taking precise character level input, or checking for specific delimiter keys.
Here is some sample code showing usage of cin.get():
char ch;
cout << "Enter any character: ";
ch = cin.get(); //get input
if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {
cout << "You entered: " << ch << endl;
} else {
cout << "Not an alphabet" << endl;
allows reading direct single character input in C++ and applying customized logic based on the input.
String Length
The C++ library provides the strlen()
function to get the length of a null-terminated string. However, we can also create our own string length functionality.
Here is an example custom length()
function to find the length of a char array:
#include <string>
using namespace std:
int length(char *arr) {
int count = 0;
while(arr[count] != '\0') {
return count;
int main() {
char arr[100] = "hello";
int len = length(arr); // len = 5
return 0;
The key aspects of this function:
- It accepts the character array as a parameter
- Initializes a count variable to track length
- Iterates through array until null terminator
is reached - Returns the final count value
We can compare this to the built-in strlen()
int len = strlen(arr); // len = 5
is preferred, a customlength()
shows how string lengths can be determined by iterating through arrays until the null termination.
The C++ library provides cin.getline()
to read an entire line from input. However we can create our own custom readline()
functionality as well for learning purposes.
Here is an example implementation:
#include <string>
using namespace std:
// Create a function to read character array without using library functions such as cin.getline
void readLine(char * arr, int len, int delim){
// line terminates at '\n'
// Read + Store array
int cnt = 0;
char ch;
ch = cin.get();
arr[cnt] = ch;
if(cnt==len-1 || ch==delim){
// terminates the array also with a null character
arr[cnt] = '\0';
cout << cnt << endl;
int main(){
char arr[10];
readLine(arr, 10, 'n');
cout << arr << endl;
cout << strlen(arr) << endl;
return 0;
The key aspects are:
- It takes in the character array, max length, and an optional custom delimiter
- Reads input character-by-character usingΒ
Β in a loop - Checks if delimiter reached or array is filled
- Sets array end to null terminator
Using default newline delimiter, it replicates cin.getline() functionality of reading entire line as input.
Largest string example
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Read number of strings
int n;
cin >> n;
// Consume newline
// Track largest string
string largest;
// Track length of largest string
int maxLen = 0;
// Read n strings
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
string current;
getline(cin, current);
// Update largest string if current string is longer
if(current.length() > maxLen) {
largest = current;
maxLen = current.length();
// Print result
cout << "Largest String: " << largest << endl;
cout << "Length: " << maxLen << endl;
return 0;
- Use C++ strings instead of C-style character arrays
getline(cin, string)
Β reads a line including spaces- AccessΒ
Β member function instead ofΒstrlen()
- No need to manually copy strings, just assign strings naturally