
Expressions Vs Statements

// Statements 
int total_marks = pyhsics + chem + math; // statements 
x = y = z;
// Expressions
int x = 10; // 10 is a expression 
int y = 20, z = 30;
x = y = z + 10;
  • Any variable name (x, y, z, …), constant, or literal is an expression.
  • One or more expressions combined by an operator constitute an expression, e.g., x + y or x * y + z

In C++, assignment is also an expression, e.g., x = y + z. As a consequence, it can be used within another assignment: x2 = x = y + z. Assignments are evaluated from right to left.


Any of the expressions above followed by a semicolon is a statement.

The variable and constant declarations we have seen before are also statements. As the initial value of a variable or constant, we can use any expression.

A single semicolon is an empty statement, and we can thus put as many semicolons after an expression as we want.

int marks = 10 // statement 
5 + 3 // expression 
5 + 3; // statement 
int z = 5 + 3; // statement 
int total = marks; // statement 
// Control Statements 
if (...){


Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators

A relational operator is used to check the relationship between two operands.

==isEqual to
!=Not Equal to
>Greater than
<Lesser than
>=Greater than or Equal to
⇐Lesser than or Equal to

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to check whether an expression is true or false. If the expression is true, it returns 1 whereas if the expression is false, it returns 0.

&&Logical AND
||Logical OR
!Logical NOT

Bitwise Operators

In C++, bitwise operators are used to perform operations on individual bits. They can only be used alongside char and int data types.

&Binary AND
|Binary OR
^Binary XOR (Exclusive OR)
~Binary one compliment (Flip all bits of a number)
<<Left Shift
>>Right Shift

Assignment Operators

Also known as compound assignment operators (combine binary operator with assignment operator).

+=Compound Addition
-=Compound Subtraction
*=Compound Multiplication
/=Compound Division
%=Compound Modulo

Misc Operators

Here’s a list of some other common operators available in C++.

sizeofreturns size of datatype
?:Ternary operator
&Address of operator
.Dot operator
*Dereference operator
β†’Access members of objects

Increment Decrement

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data.

int a = 10;
a++; // postincrement
++a; // preincrement
a--; // postdecrement
--a; // predecrement

Associativity & Precedence

  • Pending